The ‘dad bod’ is in – but is this trend healthy?

We conducted our own research on the health effects of a dad bod. Here are the results.

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October 1, 2024
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The ‘dad bod’ is in – but is this trend healthy?
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Leonardo DiCaprio, Zac Efron, Jason Momoa, Matthew McConaughey… heaps of celebrities have at one point or another traded the six-pack for the ‘dad bod’. But just because they’ve done, it doesn’t mean that it is always a good idea.

Truth is, it’s a slippery slope and what starts as a ‘dad bod’ can easily turn into overweight or even obesity, which we all know doesn’t do our health any favours.

To better understand just how much the ‘dad bod’ trend affects Aussie men, we’ve conducted our own research and the results were eye-opening. But first, let’s see what classifies a ‘dad bod’.

What exactly is a dad bod?

In short, ‘dad bod’ refers to a male body type that many middle-aged men have. The Urban Dictionary describes it best as a “softly round” body shape [1].

It’s often associated with men in their 20s-50s and for many, it starts developing as life’s responsibilities start picking up — say, when they become dads — and health and fitness become afterthoughts.

As this happens, fat starts to pile up around the stomach area and, for many, the body mass index (BMI) starts to go up [2].

While many may see this as harmless and even inevitable, this excess body fat (and the ‘let’s hope for the best’ mentality that often comes with a dad bod) can definitely have a negative impact on a man’s health — but to what degree?

What are the dangers of the ‘dad bod’?

New research from Pilot has revealed that the top reason why Aussie men aged 35-44 have been prompted to lose weight was due to a health scare.

Yet, many are taking a ‘she’ll be right’ approach to their weight loss [3].

Health scares, often thought to be a problem for older men, are now a genuine concern for young Aussie blokes.

While this should be motivation enough for them to shed down the ‘dad bod’, the majority are falling short of reaching their goals.

Our study has actually found that nearly half (49%) have given up on their weight loss goals altogether, leaving them at risk of several health complications.

Plus, Aussie blokes as a whole tend to avoid involving doctors in their health, with a mere 24% willing to seek professional help for their weight loss.

“It’s often that men know they are overweight, but the "she'll be right" attitude about how they are going to lose it deters them from seeking help when it comes to weight management,” endocrinologist and Pilot spokesperson, Dr Ramy Bishay says.

This doesn’t mean, however, that men don’t care about their physique, weight or health.

“Our research showed that men aged 35-44 are more likely than their older counterparts to be prompted by a health scare to lose weight, which does reveal a generational shift,” he adds.

“What men may not realise is that there are biological barriers that may work against them when it comes to weight loss, which is where medical professionals can help.”

Tips for getting rid of the dad bod

If you feel out of shape and are not happy with your dad bod, there are lifestyle changes you can make not only to drop some kgs, but most importantly, to start feeling like the healthiest version of yourself:

Lift weights (and don't skip cardio)

Whoever said weight training can't lead to weight and fat loss couldn't have been more wrong.

On the contrary, this type of exercise increases your resting metabolic rate (meaning your body starts burning more calories throughout the day — even at night, while you sleep).

At the same time, it helps you build muscle, which contributes to that toned look you're after.

Cardio is another crucial piece of the puzzle, whether that's a HIIT workout at the gym, a zone 2 run or a swim at the local pool.

Pair it with strength training and you've got yourself a recipe for fat-burning success.

Get your steps in

Walking is often an underrated activity for weight loss, but let us tell you: it works.

Of course, you need to be consistent and get your steps in every day. But doing so can translate into many health benefits.

In fact, walking improves your heart and lung health, helps manage conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol, strengthens your bones, improves endurance and, you guessed, is an effective way of burning fat [4].

And hey, a brisk 30-minute walk can burn around 150 calories. Not a bad trade-off, if you ask us.

If you want to increase your walking step count but are not sure how, here are some easy tips:

  • Turn your work 1:1 or quick catch-ups into walking meetings
  • Go for a walk during your lunch break
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Clean the house — you'll be surprised how much you walk around while wiping and mopping!

Focus on protein

You may already know this but it bares repeating: what you eat has a massive impact on your weight and health.

One super important macronutrient for guys trying to lose the dad bod is protein [5]:

  • It keeps you fuller for longer, so you're less likely to overeat or snack in between meals
  • It helps preserve lean body mass and build muscle (so you know your weight training efforts won't go to waste)
  • It has a higher thermic effect, meaning your body burns more calories digesting protein than carbs or fats [6]

Stay hydrated

Another often underrated weight loss tool, drinking water every day can help you get rid of the dad bod by:

  • Filling your stomach up and as a result, suppressing your appetite (for 0 calories, we should add)
  • Helping to reduce cravings (because truth is, often when we think we're peckish, we're actually thirsty)
  • Improving your digestion and facilitating the absorption of protein
  • Increasing your energy expenditure and helping your body burn more calories at rest
  • Giving you energy to move your body

Ditch the booze

Alcohol is often a contributor to the dad bod, leading to what's called a 'beer belly'.

Now, you don't have to ditch the booze completely and the reality is that cutting alcohol may not guarantee weight loss. However, drinking less can be a great step towards your goal physique.

Our tip is that if you still want enjoy a drink here and there, do so with moderation and opt for drinks that are lower in calories — like light beer, white or red wine, or vodka soda.

If you want to take a break or stop altogether, there are plenty of alcohol-free alternatives out there, from beers to wines and mocktails. You're honestly spoiled for choice.

Time to ditch the dad bod?

It might be.

No, you don’t have to become super ripped. But if your dad bod has gone a bit too far, it’s best to address it now, before unwanted health complications become your reality.

If nothing you’ve tried has worked and you just can’t seem to kick that extra weight, a combination of medically proven treatments and holistic support services may be what you need.

Enter Pilot’s Metabolic Reset Program.

Taking a holistic approach to weight loss, this program includes science-based treatments and couples them with health coaching around nutrition and exercise, as well as community online support.

Keen to give it a go? Check your eligibility today.


  3. YouGov 2023. This study consisted of an online survey conducted between 8th – 11th February 2023. Commissioned by Pilot and undertaken by YouGov. The sample comprised of a nationally representative sample of 1,000 men aged 35 – 65 years. 
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