Key takeaways
Does premature ejaculation impact your sex life? Are you shooting earlier than you'd like to?
According to the Journal of Urology, premature ejaculation is a common medical condition that affects up to 37% of men [1]. Premature ejaculation is sexual dysfunction characterised by:
- The inability to delay sexual climax
- Ejaculating within 1 minute during sexual intimacy
- Avoiding sexual intercourse and sexual encounters because of embarrassment or shame
If you want to control ejaculation, prevent premature ejaculation or delay ejaculation, you need to give your penis a workout, but not the type of workout you're probably thinking about,
Commonly associated with women, practising Kegel exercises regularly can improve your sexual stamina, strengthen erections, and help you control ejaculation.
But here's the thing: talking about premature ejaculation, sexual function and ejaculation control with your GP can be difficult. And let's face it, you're unlikely to chat about your sexual issues over a coffee or beer with your mates.
This article will give you insights into how you can delay ejaculation by engaging your pelvic floor muscles and how to get easy, effective, and discreet premature ejaculation medical treatment online.
What are Kegel exercises?
Did you know that weak pelvic floor muscles can impair your ability to delay ejaculation?
In 2016, the International Journal of Urology found, "pelvic floor rehabilitation in the treatment of premature ejaculation involves steps to understand and control the contraction of the pelvic muscles in regard to sexual arousal, sexual stimulus, and ejaculation" [1].
Your pelvic floor muscles act as a sling and support your intestines and internal organs. Kegel exercises (also known as pelvic floor muscle training, or PFMT) involve making tiny contractions of your pelvic floor's pubococcygeus muscle.
These muscles stretch from your urinary sphincter to your anus muscles and when contracted can help you delay orgasm and improve blood flow.
Kegel exercises are now a mainstream treatment option for premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED).
The benefits of Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises can help treat premature ejaculation.
A 2005 study focusing on pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction found that after 3 months of pelvic floor muscle exercises along with lifestyle changes and biofeedback, "pelvic floor exercises should be considered as a first-line approach for men seeking long-term resolution of their erectile dysfunction" [2].
Other benefits of Kegel exercises include:
Having orgasms without ejaculating
In 2016, a study in Sexual Medicine Review found that 7-10% of men were able to have more than 1 orgasm [3].
One of the best ways to achieve this was to build strong pelvic floor muscles.
Improving urinary and faecal incontinence
Whether you develop incontinence through the ageing process or after prostate surgery, it can be improved with Kegel exercises.
A 2021 study found pelvic floor management training (PFMT) was an effective treatment for urinary incontinence [4].
Do Kegel exercises really work for premature ejaculation?
Before starting a new exercise, regime or eating plan, you'll probably want to dig deeper to find out if it works. After all, who wants to be spending time and energy on something if it won't equal results?
Kegel exercises are a no-cost therapy that can improve your premature ejaculation. We've done the research below so you can judge for yourself if they're worthwhile.
In 2004, research published in Therapeutic Advanced Urology found that after 40 men completed a 12-week pelvic floor rehabilitation plan, 33 gained control of their ejaculatory reflex.
This study concluded, "The results obtained in our subjects treated with pelvic floor rehabilitation are promising. This therapy represents an important cost reduction compared with the standard treatment (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Based on the present data, we propose pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation as a new, viable therapeutic option for treating premature ejaculation."
A 2018 study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology evaluated the "long-term outcome of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation in males with lifelong premature ejaculation (PE), using intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) and the self-report Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) as primary outcomes" [5].
At the beginning of the study, the baseline for the time taken to ejaculate during vaginal penetration was under 60 seconds.
Of the 122 who completed PFM rehabilitation over 12 weeks, the mean IELT increased to 161.6 seconds.
How to practice Kegel exercises correctly
Before you try your first Kegel exercise, you'll need to feel where your pelvic floor muscles are.
Step 1: Locate your pelvic floor muscles
Next time you're urinating, stop midstream. The muscle contraction you'll feel is your pelvic floor muscles. In a crowded lift and need to hold tight, so you don't pass gas?
The muscles you're using to maintain your dignity and save your fellow lift passengers from gagging are your pelvic floor muscles. Once you're familiar with your pelvic floor muscles, it's time to work them.
Step 2: Perfect your pelvic floor muscle workout
You may find it easier to lie down on your back with your legs bent and feet flat. As you exhale, tighten your pelvic floor muscles, and hold them up for 3 seconds before relaxing them for 3 seconds — complete 4-5 repetitions before resting.
As your muscles become stronger, aim to perform Kegel exercises when driving the car, sitting at the desk, standing in the supermarket queue, or walking to the café.
Step 3: Stay focused
For optimal results with your Kegel exercises, focus on only tightening your pelvic floor muscles without using your buttocks, thighs, or abdomen.
Avoid holding your breath by breathing naturally in and out through your nose.
Step 4: Practice daily
Just like regular workouts at the gym give you the muscles you desire, practising Kegel exercises a few times a day will help you get the sex life you want.
Slow and fast Kegels
Making time in your schedule to practise Kegel exercises won't only make your pelvic floor muscles stronger but your sex life better. And once you know where your pelvic floor muscles are, you can start getting them into shape.
But resist going too hard too fast!
Yes, you want to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, but just like when you work out at the gym, you need to switch it up for the best results. The two different types of Kegel exercises are slow Kegels and fast Kegels.
Slow Kegel exercises
A slow Kegel exercise aims to contract and release your pelvic floor muscles slowly and intentionally.
- Gently squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and feel a lift. Hold for a slow count of 5 as you breathe naturally. As with your other exercises, breathing normally will help you.
- After a count of 5, relax your pelvic floor muscles slowly.
- Once your pelvic floor is completely relaxed, start contracting for a count of 5 again. Focus on a gentle squeezing action for a total of 10 cycles. If this feels too challenging, start with 4-5 repetitions.
- As with all types of exercise, listening to your body is essential. Over time your pelvic floor muscles will become stronger, and you'll be able to increase the amount of time you hold the contraction for longer than a count of 5. Challenge yourself to a count of 10 slow Kegels, then 15 and 20 slow Kegels.
- Ideally, you'll do these pelvic floor muscle exercises every day for 3 sessions a day. However, even a few times a week will make a difference. The more committed you are to doing your Kegel exercises, the faster you'll see results.
Fast Kegel exercises
Using the same technique as slow Kegel exercises, you'll contract your pelvic floor muscles, hold, and then relax. Unlike short Kegel exercises, you'll hold the contraction for 1 second, relax, and then contract again straight away.
When you aim to do 10 fast Kegel exercises after 10 slow Kegel exercises, your pelvic floor muscles will get a fabulous workout. Over time, increase the number of fast Kegel exercises you do 3 times a day. Start at 10 fast Kegels before progressing to 15 fast Kegels then 20 fast Kegels.
When you perform them during sexual intimacy, you'll be able to delay the inevitable because you've trained your PC muscles to work.
Getting close to firing, but your partner is not ready yet? Simply perform 5 quick Kegels, and you'll be good to continue.
Kegel exercises specifically for premature ejaculation
Kegel exercises are a simple way to target premature ejaculation and the research supports this.
A 2014 study published in Therapeutic Advances in Urology journal evaluated pelvic floor rehabilitation's impact on patients affected by lifelong premature ejaculation issues [6].
By strengthening the urinary sphincter and other muscles that control ejaculation, 82% of patients increased their latency time.
Kegel exercises won't just help your premature ejaculation; they can also help erectile dysfunction.
A study in BJU International in 2005 over 6 months found that 40% of men over 20 years of age who regularly performed Kegel exercises said goodbye to erectile dysfunction [2]. A further 35% had significant improvement in their ED symptoms.
Can you cure premature ejaculation?
There are 3 main treatments used for premature ejaculation: psychological therapy, behavioural therapy, and medical therapy.
Talking with a healthcare provider confidentially and discreetly like Pilot is one way you can get the best cure for your premature ejaculation.
Psychological therapy
This type of premature ejaculation treatment involves working through your emotions and feelings to understand why you're experiencing premature ejaculation. This therapy is often used in conjunction with behavioural and medical therapies. Psychological treatment can also help you improve your sexual confidence.
Behavioural therapy
These exercises are different to Kegel exercises. The goal of behavioural therapy is to help you build up a tolerance to delay the ejaculatory process. These exercises can include:
The squeeze technique
This technique involves you or your partner stimulating your penis until you're close to ejaculation.
You'll firmly squeeze your penis when you're close until the erection partly disappears. This method can help you become more aware of the sensations you experience before the climax to delay them on your own.
The stop-start method
The stop-start technique involves you or your partner stimulating your penis until you want to ejaculate. Just before you climax, you stop the stimulation. Once you've regained control, you start to stimulate your penis again.
Repeat this process 3 times before ejaculating on the 4th time. This method can be repeated 3 times a week and help you regain control of your ejaculation process.
Medical therapy
Pilot offers personalised treatment plans for premature ejaculation, which are delivered discreetly to your door. This means no awkward doctor visits.
Simply complete the online assessment, which is 100% text-based, and our Australian health practitioners will create a treatment plan based on your circumstances.
While Australian law prevents us from naming specific treatments until a healthcare professional has had an online consultation with you, a local practitioner will review your information and create a customised plan.
Did you know that sexual difficulties are common among men of all ages and get more prevalent as they age?
A 2016 study by BMC Public Health showed a strong association between lifestyle and health factors [7]. The quality of your sexual health, sexual intimacy and sexual stamina can be improved. Our friendly and professional healthcare professionals can help you with premature ejaculation.
There's no shame in reaching out and asking for help and we're here to support you through this journey.
Photo Credit: Pexels / Jack Sparrow