Yes, having sex burns calories — but how many?

Getting hot and sweaty in the bedroom does count as a form of exercise.

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Julia Hammond
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Last updated
October 1, 2024
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Yes, having sex burns calories — but how many?
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Sex — all of us think about it, many of us are having it and most of us are curious about it too. We want to know everything from how to cum more to how to last longer, and how much sex is everyone else really having?

Here at Pilot, we're all about open and honest conversations around men's health — and that includes sexual health. We aim to provide you with factual answers to important questions.

So, if you've ever asked yourself, 'How many calories does love-making burn?' — you're about to find out.

We're getting to the bottom of common questions, including how many calories does sex burn? Which positions burn more calories? And, what other benefits does sex have for your overall health?

Does sex count as exercise?

If you’re tired of lifting weights and going on runs, you’ll be pleased to know that getting hot and sweaty in the bedroom does count as a form of exercise.

Whether between loving partners or flirtatious strangers, safe and consensual sex is a great way to mix up your caloric burn. Both men and women burn calories during sex, which makes it a recognised form of physical activity [1].

The jury is still out on whether it can be labelled light, moderate or vigorous exercise. Research results vary, which basically tells us it depends on the individual [1][3].

What we can say for sure is it is intense enough to get the heart rate pumping — a key aim of most physical activity.

A review of multiple studies found that heart rates during sex ranged from 145 to 170 beats per minute. They were at the lowest during foreplay and gradually increased throughout, peaking during orgasm [1].

While it’s thrilling to know that your latest romp could contribute to your fitness goals, it’s important to remember that the quality of exercise is better during a planned workout.

In general, most of us are not having sex often enough or for long enough to replace our regular workout routine [3]. But, that doesn’t mean we should skip out on the extra fun.

It’s also nice to know that whether you’re flying solo or enjoying partnered sex, you’ll be getting the blood pumping.

Research has also shown that masturbation can also get your heart rate going, though it’s not as intense as partnered sexual activity. If partnered sex was a bit like a jog, masturbating is typically closer to casual walking [3].

How many calories does having sex burn? 

Humans have always been a curious bunch, so it should come as no surprise that researchers have calculated the exact number of calories burned during sex.

In fact, we have been performing studies on the physical effects of sexual intercourse since the 1950s [1]. However, it wasn’t until Masters and Johnson began performing tests in a lab setting that we had more high-quality, repeatable results [4].

But, you didn’t come here for a history lesson on sex research — let’s get down to the dirty details. A recent review of multiple studies from the last 60 years found that sex could burn up to 160 calories.

On average, men burned 100 calories in a single love-making session, while women burned 69 calories (yes, we see it too).

To give you a comparison with other forms of exercise, that’s about the same intensity as a light jog, a leisurely swim (not laps) or stationery rowing [1].

Does this mean you can replace exercise with sex?

While it is cool to know that time spent between the sheets does burn calories, we need to be realistic about making sex your only form of exercise.

First, there is the fact that most people are having sex once per week. When you consider that national health guidelines say you should be getting active every day — sexual activity is not likely to fit the bill.

Second, having sex burns fewer calories than regular exercise. One study of healthy young adults directly compared 30 minutes of sexual activity with a 30-minute treadmill walk.

Results showed that walking on a treadmill burned almost 3 times as many calories as sex. However, participants did say having sex was way more fun [4].

Finally, for people with a health and fitness goal, such as weight loss, sex is unlikely to be consistent enough or intense enough to count as a form of significant exercise [3].

A better way to approach weight loss is with sustainable lifestyle changes and ongoing support, like the methods we use in Pilot’s Weight Reset Program.

Our program introduces clinically proven treatments and combines them with health coaching so you can learn about your body while also losing a substantial portion of your body weight.

Does kissing also burn calories?

Think of kissing as a warmup. It’s a great form of foreplay to get you and your partner in the mood, but the energy it takes is minimal compared to the main event.

If you want some hard numbers — it’s estimated that the average person burns anywhere from 5-26 calories per minute while kissing. The more passionate your make-out session, the higher this number should be [5].

Burning calories is far from the only benefit of a smooch. It also releases endorphins and dopamine, which set off your brain’s reward centres. In other words, and we bet you already knew this, kissing makes you feel good.

How to burn more calories during sex

Whether you count yourself as a fitness fanatic or are just intrigued by the science behind it all; here are two secrets to increasing calories burned during sex.

Mix up sex positions

Position plays a major role in calorie burning during sexual activity. Sex positions where the man is on top, such as the missionary, tend to increase calories burned because in this case, you are the more active partner [1].

Most studies so far are focused on heterosexual couples, which is definitely a limitation of current research [2]. Hopefully in future, we have more concrete evidence for other sexualities.

But, there is still some good news.

In one study, researchers decided to compare the perceived intensity with the real, measured results. They found that people’s perception of how hard they were working was pretty accurate — which means you should be able to tell when you’ve reached a calorie-burning zone [1].

So, whether you’re down with doggy style or like to rev it up in reverse cowgirl — trying new sex positions in a consensual, safe environment with your partner can make a difference.

More time should mean more calories burned

The second way you can increase calories burned during sex is to make the experience last longer. One study found that sex burned 3-4 calories per minute, so the longer you’re intimate — the higher those numbers could be.

According to research, the average duration ranges from 18-32 minutes [1]. But for some men, this length of time feels out of reach. 

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that affects 1 in 2 Australian men at some point in their lives. Luckily, there are lots of things you can try — from changing your diet to medical treatments like Pilot’s ED treatment.

Other health benefits of sex

Besides calories burned, there are plenty of other benefits to a healthy sex life. From sleeping well to living longer, here are 5 reasons to book in a little love-making with yourself or your partner of choice [2].

Improved mental health

Feeling satisfied? Yeah, we thought so. More than one study has found that regular sex can make you happier and even reduce depressive symptoms.

Better sleep 

Researchers found a link between good sex and good sleep. One theory is that orgasms work as a form of stress relief, helping you relax into a long, deep slumber.

Helps you live longer

Studies from around the world — including the US, UK, Sweden and Taiwan – have found that a healthy sex life could reduce your risk of serious health problems.

These were high-quality longitudinal studies, which means participants were followed up over a period of many years.

Stronger immune system 

A study of university students found that having sex 1-2 times per week could increase antibodies by up to 30%. In other words, practising safe sex regularly could help with a stronger immune system.

Another study that focused on male masturbation also noted an increase in immune activity shortly after orgasm.

Sometimes works as pain relief 

Have a splitting headache? There are no guarantees, but sex may provide some relief. One study found that sex could offer moderate to complete relief from headache pain — and it was quite effective in male migraine patients.

Image credit: Adobe Stock

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