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The best exercises to target belly fat in men

Many of us want to reduce our waistlines, but how do you get there?

Written by
Marcel Deer
Medically reviewed by
Last updated
February 18, 2025
min read
The best exercises to target belly fat in men
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Key takeaways

Flat bellies are the universal sign that you’re someone who looks after yourself. Chiselled, rock-hard abs aren’t an uncommon dream among Aussie blokes, but actually achieving them is another issue entirely.

That’s why one study found that two-thirds of Australian adults are overweight or obese — and the situation is getting worse, not better [1]. But there is some hope, as 55% of Australians are actively trying to lose weight, with the 25-39 bracket leading the charge [2].

Most of us want to reduce our waistlines, but how do you get there? In this guide, we’ll examine the best exercises to decrease belly fat and shave some centimetres off the waist.

What causes belly fat in men?

Let’s start with the obvious. Why do we start accumulating fat?

In short, the National Institutes of Health simplifies it as taking in more calories than we’re burning [3]. Essentially, if you want to reduce belly fat, it's about basic maths.

It’s never been easier to get into this cycle of taking in more than we burn because of our sedentary lifestyles.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, about 4 in 10 of us aren’t physically active enough [4].

But exercise is just a tool. Someone who’s never seen the inside of a gym can get skinny simply by reducing how much they eat and drink.

Again, weight loss is the simple equation of calories-in vs calories-out, whether we're talking about visceral fat around the midsection or thunder thighs.

But why are men predisposed to store fat in our bellies? Several factors, including genetics, gender, and age, control fat storage. Here’s a breakdown of how these factors influence the formation of those beer bellies:


DNA tells you whether you’ll be tall or short, and it also tells you how your body manages fat storage. According to the latest science, 60% of where fat is stored and distributed is influenced by genes [5].


Men typically store more fat in their bellies, whereas women store fat in their thighs, butt, and hips.

Pregnancy and nursing influence fat storage in women because drawing fat from areas other than the stomach influences childbearing the least [6]. Obviously, blokes don’t have that problem!


Age is also a considerable factor. As we age, we experience changes in everything from hormone levels and metabolism to muscle mass.

Middle-aged men and post-menopausal women usually store fat around the midsection, which is why it’s the most stubborn to shift.

Can you target belly fat with spot reduction?

Spot reduction is a total myth. Despite the bulk of scientific literature stating that there’s never been any proof of spot reduction, generations of fitness coaches and snake oil salesmen continue to make a living today off the idea.

For example, a 12-week clinical trial showed no improvement between spot reduction exercises and dietary changes compared to changing your diet [7].

Another study, which examined 13 other studies, found that localised training did not influence where the body stored fat [8].

In short, you can’t use specific exercises to lose belly fat. You’ve got to force your body to burn fat by burning more than you consume.

Eventually, your body will start drawing from those belly-based fat reserves, and that’s how you get that beach body you’ve been dreaming of.

What are the best exercises for excess belly fat?

Once again, there are no exercises that are explicitly designed to target abdominal fat because spot reduction is a myth. What makes a good exercise is the ability to burn more calories and build muscle.

Any exercise regime should improve your fitness to prevent awkward muscle imbalances and maximise your calorie burn.

Generally, you should incorporate both body weight and weight training exercises to challenge your body and build up those muscles, which is how you end up with washboard abs.

Here are our favourite exercises for fat burning.

1. Planks

Planking was once a viral trend before viral trends were a thing. Today, it’s still one of the most effective core exercises.

Getting down on your hands and knees and positioning yourself in a straight body line activates the entire core, improves posture, and enhances balance.

Incorporating planks is also one of the most effective ways to work on muscle definition without equipment.

2. Crunches

Crunches are the classic ab exercise. Regular crunches hit the upper abdominal muscles by contracting the abs as you lift your upper body off the ground. Again, they strengthen and tone the core.

As crunches get easier, you can start exploring more challenging variations.

For example, reverse and bicycle crunches activate different parts of the abdominals to keep your muscle development balanced.

3. Leg raises

Crunches concentrate on the upper abs, and leg raises are the yin to their yang by targeting the lower abs, which are usually more challenging to engage.

Leg raises create strong contractions in the lower abs, developing your core stability while adding much-needed hip flexibility. 

Moreover, leg raises are easy to get started with. Just keep your lower back flat on the ground, lift your legs into the air, and lower them slowly while keeping your core tight.

4. Mountain climbers

Get into the plank position and drive each knee toward your chest one after the other.

These are mountain climbers, and they're incredibly effective because they’re full-body exercises that combine core strengthening and cardio.

Adopting mountain climbers is a straightforward way to boost your heart and continuously engage your core to tone the abs.

5. Burpees

Anyone who’s ever joined the army or spent time as a cadet will know full well what burpees are. Often feared, burpees require you to jump, squat, and plank in quick succession.

They’re another full-body exercise that engages your core, arms, legs, and cardiovascular system for the ultimate high-intensity gym sesh. 

6. Deadlifts

Moving onto weighted exercises, deadlifts are one of the best compound exercises for strengthening your whole body.

Muscle groups targeted by deadlifts include your glutes, hamstrings, core, and lower back.

The core stabilises the body when moving these immense weights around, helping you to strengthen your midsection and give your metabolism a jumpstart.

7. Squats

Bodyweight and weighted squats are part of any exercise program worth its salt.

It’s a fundamental movement and requires multiple muscle groups working in tandem to keep your balance while performing the movement.

However, when preparing for weighted squats, take your time to perfect your form to ensure you don’t risk injury. 

8. Kettlebell swings

Want the body of a Greek god? Kettlebell swings are one of the most powerful exercises you’ve got at your disposal.

They bring together strength training exercises and cardio to activate practically every muscle group in the body, depending on the exercise routine you’re performing.

Crucially, kettlebell swings enhance your explosiveness, delivering more power and stability to burn fat.

Another bonus is that kettlebell swing routines often focus on functional movements, thus leaving you with functional strength that will benefit you in your daily life.

Is cardio good for stubborn belly fat?

Cardio is the best way to burn calories and, consequently, burn belly fat. Regular cardio will burn more fat than an equivalent session of weightlifting.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), someone who’s 70 kg will burn 145 calories after 30 minutes of cycling at a moderate pace. Increase the intensity to about 16 mph, and you’ll burn 295 calories over the same period.

Using the same example, the same person would burn around 110 calories if they lifted weights over a half-hour [9].

Given this, why lift weights if an intense cardio session can burn more than double the calories?

Firstly, there’s muscle imbalances to account for. For example, running activates many muscle groups, but as they develop, the muscle groups that aren’t used will stay weak while the rest of your body grows strong.

According to the University of Windsor, the risk of injury is 4-5 times greater in runners with a muscle imbalance [10].

Next, most people don’t simply want to be skinny. Most of us have a little piece of vanity, meaning we want those washboard abs and two tickets to the gun show.

Regular weight training supports muscle development, enabling us to meet those aesthetic goals.

Of course, if none of this concerns you, you’re free to indulge in aerobic exercise like running, cycling, rope jumping or swimming without worrying about resistance training.

Losing body fat always goes back to burning more calories than you take in, but don’t expect that Mr. Olympia physique without it.

Achieving a calorie deficit for belly fat loss

Abs are made in the kitchen and you can’t out-train or outrun a bad diet, and so forth.

These common sayings within the fitness community underline a fundamental truth: your diet is the key to getting your body fat percentage down.

Exercise allows you to burn more calories to achieve that deficit, which will help you lose weight and lower belly fat.

According to the Australian Institute of Fitness, safe and sustainable weight loss is a deficit of around 500 calories per day, or anywhere from a half-kilo to a kilo of weight loss each week [11].

Although these calorie deficits might seem daunting, there are ways to simplify the process. Weight loss shakes are one option, a liquid meal replacement that supports your dietary needs while helping you to lose fat.

Meal replacement shakes like Pilot's Weight Reset Shakes contain vitamins, minerals, and high-quality macronutrients to keep your weight loss goals on track while supporting safe, long-term weight loss. 

Plus, Pilot’s weight loss program is a great option to consider as it offers a structured approach to losing weight and belly fat.

The program focuses on providing modern treatments with sustainable lifestyle changes, including expert guidance and tools to track progress, ensuring you can reach your goals safely and effectively.

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  4. 300k+ consults and counting
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