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How to talk to your partner about erectile dysfunction treatment

Shying away from the subject won’t solve anything.

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Luke Benedictus
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Last updated
January 10, 2025
min read
How to talk to your partner about erectile dysfunction treatment
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Key takeaways

Life is full of awkward moments. But most men would prefer talking about any other topic than having to talk to their partner about requiring treatment for erectile dysfunction, or any type of sexual dysfunction really.

So why is this such a mortifying subject to bring up?

“Men just find it embarrassing,” explains Jacqueline Hellyer, a psychosexual therapist and relationship coach.

The reason for this embarrassment is that erectile dysfunction — which doctors define as the consistent inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient to have sex — runs counter to the popular image of male sexuality.

Suffering from ED, therefore, calls such things into question, and is often accompanied by a serious loss of pride due to a perceived social stigma. “Men are 'supposed' to have hard, strong cocks,” Hellyer says.

“So it’s difficult to admit to that weakness or if that part of your body isn’t functioning.”

Understanding erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide. It’s characterised by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.

Understanding the underlying causes of ED is essential for developing effective treatment strategies.

Physical health conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol can contribute to ED. Mental health issues and stress also play a significant role. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise can increase the risk of developing ED.

It’s crucial to remember that ED is not a reflection of a man’s masculinity or virility. It’s a medical condition that can be treated with the help of a healthcare provider.

By understanding the causes of ED, men can take the first step towards seeking treatment and improving their overall health and well-being.

Erectile dysfunction is common

But shying away from the subject won’t solve anything. Recognising a problem, after all, is the first step to solving it and ED is an extremely prevalent issue.

“It’s hugely common,” Hellyer insists. “You’d struggle to find a man who’s not experienced it.”

In fact, ED rates have skyrocketed during the last 20 years, especially among younger guys. A study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine reports that 1 out of every 4 new ED patients is now under 40 years old [1].

But the condition also becomes increasingly likely as you age. According to one study, about 5% of 40-year-old men experience ED, but by the time they’re 65, that number jumps to 15-25% [2].

In other words, if you occasionally struggle to rise to the occasion then you’re hardly alone. But how should you broach this delicate subject with your partner?

“Normalise it!” insists Hellyer. “Reassure your partner that [they're] totally gorgeous but it’s just not happening for you right now.”

It’s not your partner’s fault

This is important, she explains, because a lot of women will mistakenly assume your failure to muster an erection is a reflection of how you view your sexual desirability.

This is where many men struggle to talk to their (especially female) sexual partners about it, leading to further frustration.

“A lot of women don’t understand erectile dysfunction and will take it personally,” Hellyer says. “Because there’s this idea that men are animalistic creatures with erections popping up all the time.”

Explaining to your partner that your trouser troubles have nothing to do with her will help dial down any insecurity on her part.

That’s vital, Hellyer explains, because if your partner starts to feel defensive she’s more likely to take the situation badly.

“I’ve heard some terrible things — women calling men ‘soft cocks’ or saying: ‘What am I meant to do with that,” she says. “[often] having no comprehension that this sort of behaviour might make the problem even worse.”

Preparing for the conversation

Talking to your partner about erectile dysfunction can be challenging, but it’s essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and openness. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the conversation:

  1. Choose the right time and place: Find a private and comfortable setting where you both feel relaxed and can talk openly.
  2. Be honest and open: Share your feelings and concerns about ED, and listen to your partner’s perspective.
  3. Avoid blame: ED is not anyone’s fault, so avoid blaming yourself or your partner.
  4. Focus on solutions: Work together to find ways to address ED and improve your sex life.
  5. Seek support: Consider seeking the help of a sex therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and support.

By preparing for the conversation and approaching it with sensitivity and openness, you can work together with your partner to find ways to address ED and improve your overall relationship.

Burying the problem

The other scenario that Hellyer often deals with among her clients is couples who refuse to admit there’s a problem.

“Often people will go quiet and pretend it’s not happening,” she says. “People aren’t in the habit of talking about their sex life so they ignore it.”

Suffice it to say this head-in-the-sand approach is unlikely to rescue your love life. It’s also an act of self-sabotage because any difficulties you’re having in the bedroom will almost certainly be fixable with the right help.

“I see guys with this problem all the time,” stressed Hellyer. “If you’re having sex and losing your erection, don’t worry.”

Once you’ve reassured your partner that you still find them unbearably sexy, give them a sense of perspective by explaining just how common ED actually is.

You might then start to troubleshoot by discussing potential lifestyle factors that could be short-circuiting the lead in your pencil. Stress is one common cause — “If your body is fight and flight mode then it’s physically impossible to get an erection,” Hellyer says.

In addition, fatigue, certain health conditions, heavy drinking, smoking, or obesity can also increase your chances of developing ED.

Having "the talk" about treatment

Often, the pressures of “performing” on the spot can aggravate the problem, creating a snowball effect of anxiety and, ultimately, sexual frustration for both you and your partner. Bringing a partner to a doctor's appointment can facilitate learning about ED together and improve communication.

Four easy things to remember when broaching the topic of treating ED:

  1. Have the conversation outside the bedroom — you don’t need to further the associated stress by waiting for it to just “pop up” (or rather not “pop up”).
  2. Remind your partner that it is common and treatable. It’s not about them, and it’s not entirely in your control. Medical treatments have been used for decades by millions of men to manage ED, and it’s often a temporary measure.
  3. Your choice to use medical treatments for ED is because you want to have a more enjoyable sex life and enjoy the intimacy associated with it. It has nothing to do with levels of attraction or because something is “broken”.
  4. Treating ED with clinical treatment plans is a proactive decision about your health that is discussed with a healthcare provider, and is no different than treating any other health concern that gets in your way. Sex therapists with specialised training in human sexuality can also help couples navigate these conversations and enhance physical intimacy through professional guidance.

Take decisive action

Your best chance of regaining your sexual confidence and performance involves seeking out professional help. “If you’re still getting morning erections then it’s more likely to be a psychological issue,” says Hellyer.

“If you’re not, then see a doctor and get tested because sometimes ED can be the sign of another health problem like diabetes or heart disease.”

Essentially, there are two courses of action available. You can either see a sex therapist, like Hellyer, who deals more with the mental health side of things.

They can often suggest ways of tweaking your love life or tackling potential sources of interference that might be distracting you from the job at hand.

“Everyone is familiar with the idea of getting a woman ‘in the mood’,” says Hellyer. “But a lot of men also need a process to transition into sexual encounters too. A lot of men can’t get spontaneous erections.”

The alternative (and cheaper) option is to talk to a practitioner. They’ll ask you about your lifestyle and investigate potential physiological causes in order to rule out that the problem is not symptomatic of a more serious complaint.

Once you’re in the clear, they’ll often create a clinical treatment plan for you, based on your individual circumstances.

The ultimate take-home is that if you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction then you don’t need to suffer in silence. A practitioner can help you to take decisive action and empower you to reboot your love life.

“Struggling to get an erection is hugely common,” Hellyer says. “Don’t despair, get help!”

Maintaining intimacy

A last piece of advice from us: erectile dysfunction can affect intimacy and relationships, but it’s not a barrier to a fulfilling sex life. Here are some tips for maintaining intimacy and sexual satisfaction:

  • Focus on pleasure: Instead of focusing on erections, focus on pleasure and intimacy.
  • Try new things: Experiment with new sexual activities and positions that can help improve intimacy and pleasure.
  • Use sex toys: Sex toys can help improve pleasure and intimacy, and can be a fun way to explore new sexual activities.
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