Australia’s NextLegend?


In 30 seconds or less, record a video sharing how you stay on top of your health, and you could win a life-size statue of yourself that will be revealed outside the MCG during Round 13 - Richmond vs Port Adelaide.

Entries closes Sunday 1st May at 11.59pm.
Enter to win
Statue that changes people frame by frameStatue that changes people frame by frame

Healthy Legend

/ ‘Hel-thee Leh.jend’ /
To be a Healthy Legend means to do an act that prioritises and improves one’s health, however big or small that may be.
Our favourite entries so far:
Shane Edwards, VIC
Nick Vlastuin, VIC
Daisy Thomas, NSW
Matthew Richardson, VIC
Neil Balme, VIC
Leo F, QLD
Darcy F, VIC
Andrew H, NSW

The legendary prize

Life-size bronze* statue that will be revealed outside the MCG during Men’s Health Week
Toss the coin at the MCG during Round 13, Richmond vs Port Adelaide
Two return flights from any capital city in Australia & two nights accommodation in Melbourne
Game day tickets for you and your 5 person cheer squad
*Not actually ‘bronze’, more like ‘3D printed and sprayed in a bronze-like-colour’, as the real thing would have sent our marketing department broke
Enter to win
*Not actually ‘bronze’, more like ‘3D printed and sprayed in a bronze-like-colour’, as the real thing would have sent our marketing department broke
Healthy legend statue

How to enter


Record video

In 30 seconds or less, share the tips & tricks you use to stay on top of your health - get creative!

Winner is selected

The entries will be judged on their legendary health tips & tricks - show us what a Healthy Legend means to you.

Get bronzed* into history

The winner will get a life-size statue that will be revealed outside the MCG during round 13 - and you get to keep it!
Enter to win
Read the competition T&Cs here

Level up your health

Start consult
Hair Growth Booster Kit
Hair Growth Booster Kit
$ 99.00 
Everything your scalp needs in one easy-to-use system.