3/4 suicides in Australia are men.

We have a right to demand action.

Man's health billboard made by Pilot

“Awareness” isn’t the problem

As a nation, we’re more aware of the mental health problems facing Aussie men than ever before. But “awareness” isn’t the problem.

The lack of focus on early intervention, as opposed to critical response, means that blokes have limited tools and knowledge of how to get their head right before things get out of hand.

R U OK? day is a good start.

But we’ve known the answer for years—no amount of corporate breakfasts and branded cupcakes can make a bad day better, or instigate real, tangible change for men in need of better care.
Image of two cupcakes with yellow and pink topping

What is “early intervention”?

In Australia, huge sums of public money are dished out every year to crisis support services such as Lifeline and Beyond Blue.

You wouldn’t wait until a cancer is in its final stages to act, so why do we place so much emphasis on these services that do nothing to address and ameliorate mental health concerns in their earliest stages?

If you’re in a moment of crisis, these services can be helpful. But we want to create a culture of early intervention.

Men should feel empowered and proud to put their hands up before they’re feeling suicidal.

It’s time to make that a reality for all.

Going to the health practitioner for a physical check-up before you get sick is encouraged. Let’s normalise talking about our mental health in the same way.
Tiacs logo

Our partnership with

Earlier this year, Pilot announced a $120,000 donation to early intervention service This is a Conversation Starter (TIACS), essentially paying for 1,400 hours of professional counselling so Aussie men can get real, practical care and advice from the comfort of home.
Picture of two man having a conversation

We just gave another donation unlocking an extra 110 hours of free early intervention phone support for Aussie men.

We don’t make a dime from this. We just want to put our money where our mouth is, and accept that fixing this mess of a mental healthcare system will be a long road ahead.
Picture of two men having a conversation


We also want to give men who are experiencing mental hardship the best advice and guidance to get their heads back on track.

Here’s how you can make moves that are an investment in what’s between your ears.
Talk to a pro

TIACS is a not-for-profit organisation that provides free, professional telehealth services to men in Australia. They do men’s mental health right, no fuss, text or call, late appointments, have a yarn or book into regular sessions, they can work around any busy lifestyle and they speak your language.

They also have tonnes of practical advice on offer based on your own personal circumstances, and can set you up with tailored support which includes up to 10 free counselling sessions, no Medicare or Mental Health care plan required.

If you’re not ready to talk, give their socials a follow for regular mental health-related posts (and generally uplifting Aussie content that champions men).

Your GP

A lot of blokes don’t know that they can chat to a GP if they’re not feeling right in the head.

You can go to your local health practitioner, or, if you’d rather talk to someone different, look for other options in your area.

GPs are trained in recognising the signs of mental health issues, and many can confidently prescribe clinical treatments where necessary. They are also able to set you up with a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP).

Like any other medical professional, it’s 100% discreet and confidential. If you find one that does bulk billing, Medicare will even cover the cost.

The most important thing is that you feel comfortable. If your health practitioner doesn’t seem receptive to your concerns, find a new one and get a second opinion.

Mental Health Treatment Plan

Getting your mental health back on track doesn’t stop at just talking to someone about it.

If your health practitioner diagnoses you with stress, anxiety, depression, or another mental health concern, you can work together to organise a MHTP.

This means you can work together to figure out the best way to move forward, and sort out what you want to achieve with your health practitioner's help.

It's a great way to get some perspective on the road ahead, and Medicare offers a rebate on it too.

Accessing counselling sessions

Another service available under the MHTP is the 10 individual, and 10 group sessions you can access every year.

Again, these will be fully covered by Medicare through bulk billing, or partially if the practitioner does not bulk bill.

In these sessions you can speak openly and confidentially about how you’re feeling, and discuss focused psychological strategies regarding your mental health.

You can also register for the Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN), which grants you additional funding from Medicare if you're eligible.

When to get referred to a specialist?

This will largely be up to your health practitioner to decide.

It’s important to speak honestly with your GP, as the information you give them will help them to treat you, and refer you to a specialist if they think that will be necessary.

Remember: anything you say to your health practitioner is 100% confidential. You’re in a judgement-free zone where you can openly speak your mind.


The two professions are often confused—so what’s the difference?

Both are there for you to speak to confidentially about any challenges you might be experiencing, and both are trained to give lifestyle and behavioural advice.

Psychiatrists, however, can help by diagnosing and prescribing medication when needed, whereas psychologists usually help you to work through mental illness with non-medicinal treatments such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).

In the workplace

Many employers nowadays offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to their staff to give them tools to manage their mental health without putting their hand in their pocket.

Sadly, many are naturally sceptical of these services, for fear that their personal circumstances or situation will be relayed back to their employer.

Let’s tackle that one first: counselling services like EAPs all operate under the same strict confidentiality laws as any other medical service.
What gets discussed between you and an EAP counsellor stays between the two of you.

It’s worth finding out if your employer has an EAP available to you, and if not, why not. It’s easy to think of talking to your employer about your mental health as being unnecessary or even burdensome (especially if you’re feeling depressed), but the truth is that it’s the opposite: it’s in their interest to have you as healthy as possible and an EAP is seen as an investment in their workforce rather than an expense.

Level up your knowledge

Not sure what’s going on upstairs and want some clarity? Worried about a mate but unsure how to get them the right help? Just curious?

We have loads of honest guides that offer genuine, unfettered advice on everything men’s health. Here are some links if you’re keen to check them out.
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